
To a considerable extent, the firms values mirror my own, the same values that my wife and I tried to instill in our own

kids. They are actually pretty conventional, perhaps a little "old school": respect for each human being - from the highest

to the humblest - whom we meet along the road of life; fair dealing, commitment to one's colleagues and one's career,

trusting and being trusted; personal integrity; passion and energy; and service to our clients, our communities, and our


Fiduciary Responsibility

The SEC defines fiduciary responsibility as:

"A fundamental obligation to act in the best interests of your clients and to provide investment advice in your clients’ best interests. You owe your clients a duty of undivided loyalty and utmost good faith. You should not engage in any activity in conflict with the interest of any client, and you should take steps reasonably necessary to fulfill your obligations. You must employ reasonable care to avoid misleading clients and you must provide full and fair disclosure of all material facts to your clients and prospective clients."

In my view, this definition fails to fully capture the breadth of the fiduciary standard. The SEC’s mandates do not address

advisor fee structures, leaving a significant gap in regulation. The typical advisory fee for assets under management

averages 1.20%, despite many advisors either indexing or outsourcing portfolio management. In some cases, these fees

can climb as high as 3%. Financial planning fees average around $500 per hour, with retainers ranging from $3,000 to


Our Philosophy

We follow a simple guiding principle: Every action we take—beyond just advice—must be in the best interest of our


While many in our industry prioritize maximizing profits for themselves, we are committed to making a meaningful

difference in the lives of those we serve. As we grow and achieve economies of scale, we proactively lower our fees,

ensuring our clients benefit from greater long-term value.

The key takeaway from our philosophy is simple: never underestimate the power of compounding investment

returns—and always minimize the drag of compounding investment costs.